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Sensors Modules
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Module is a popular tool for measuring distance and detecting objects. It’s small, easy to use, and combines everything you need—a transmitter, receiver, and control circuit—in one module. It works like a sonar, sending out sound waves to measure the distance to objects, just like how bats and dolphins sense their surroundings.

This HC-SR04-Ultrasonic Range Finder can measure distances from 2 cm up to 400 cm with high accuracy, about 3 mm. It’s reliable for many projects, from robotics to simple object detection, and works well even in different lighting conditions. 

Ultrasonic Ranging Module module has two main pins, Trigger and Echo, which connect easily to microcontrollers like Arduino, making it perfect for projects where you need non-contact distance sensing.


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